Monday, September 17, 2007

Under the Weather!

Hey Everyone!

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted, but I have been a bit under the weather. Actually, that is an understatement! I have had pneumonia! This is the second time in two years. I had the pneumonia vaccination two years ago and I thought I had "out smarted" this thing. Much to my surprise when I went to the doctor for a "back ache" he returned with the diagnoses of pneumonia. I was not thrilled, to say the least! This means a week off work and a couple of weeks of being exhausted, not what I had planned! I have been back at work this week and I think I am almost "caught up" if there is such a thing! Please pray for me as I will be having some tests done to try to determine the cause. This is not such a fun thing that I want to do this every two years.

If that is a picture of me this last week, here is a picture of Nathan...

He has writer's block! It is a terrible disease with which he is unable to write an autobiography! He gave it a start. He said it sounded like a laundry list of his life (born, 1970 to Paul and Doris, in Texas). He read it to a co-worker who at first glance thought it sounded fine, until he read mine to her and then she said "Your's sucks!" Needless to say, Nathan crunched his up and thew it away.

For those of you who don't know, this is one of the steps that we must complete for our adoption paperwork. I think it is to give the social worker something to talk to us about.

Please pray for Nathan that he is able to complete this task. I have tried to start some of it for him, but ultimately, this is something he will have to do himself - otherwise it would be a biography (isn't that right Leigh Ann?).

We are looking forward to Turner and Carter coming for a week long visit. They will be here tomorrow. They will be staying with Nathan's parents as Craig and Amy travel to Virginia to find a house for their next move, which is coming up soon. How time flies!

Please pray for us as it is our goal to finish our paperwork this week. This means that Nathan must finish his autobiography, we need some pictures of our home and us and we have to sign and notarized the "mound" of paperwork. The end to this phase is in sight, please pray that we get past this hurdle.

Have a great week.


Mandy said...

Hey Em! It was great to see you and Nathan too!! My mom is a notary if you don't all ready have one. I think I have some tips for writing an autobiography at school...I'll look tomorrow and see! :)

Sisters said...

I love the house shoes!

Leigh Ann said...

hey, just call the minute you get ready and I'll shoot the house shot with you guys in it.

Julie said...

hey! Nice looking ankles Em, I wish mine looked like that!
Stephen & I can send stories of high school and some college summers if Nathan wants to use them!HA! Good luck

amy said...

hey. glad you're home. was great seeing y'all, even under the care of little Jesus on the cross, with med. Jesus in the hall. you were certainly in the presence. =) love y'all!