Saturday, February 16, 2008

Wish I Had More to Say

I have been delaying writing a post because I had hoped to be able to report that our Home Study was finished and approved by today, but I am disappointed to say that it isn't finished yet. We are hoping to receive word on it soon - hopefully in the next two to three weeks. When I get frustrated like this I try to think about the verse at the top of this blog. I know God has this all planned out for us and our baby - He knows the right time, this right baby and the right situation...sometimes I loose sight of that fact. husband loves lighthouses. I put this picture on here to see if you could guess what this picture has to do with this post. Any guesses?

I am adding a couple of new links to my side bar. These are families who are in the process (one way or another) of International Adoption...they are in the process of adoption or have already adopted. I thought you might enjoy their stories. I have met (through the internet or otherwise) so many interesting people through this process. This has truly been an unexpected blessing of this journey.

Have a great week and please pray that our home study is finished soon!


Sisters said...

I am praying for you and that you can stay excited and not get frustrated with the wait.

Pete Zipf said...

Nate and Emily,
I was doing some browsing on this rainy day here in central CT, and stumbled upon your blog. My wife Amy and I are leaving in about 2 weeks for Ethiopia to go pick up our 4 mo. old son Tariku. Sounds like the Lord has worked in your lives as he has in ours. It is an amazing thing... pretty reckless... pretty "financially rediculous"... but WHAT a ride. We'll be praying for you guys too.

Making deeper footprints,
Pete (and Amy) Zipf
East Hampton, CT.

Mandy said...

You and Nathan are the lighthouse guiding your child to you......:) Keep your head up! You are right. God's timing is perfect. I'll keep praying for you two!
Love ya!

Meredith said...

I stumbled upon a blogger that's starting a a Korea blogroll I thought you might be interested in. Here's the address:

Hoping for good news for you!

Carissa said...

Oh I hope your home study is done before two to three weeks! I cannot wait to see what the lighhouse is all about!

Anonymous said...

Just keep your eyes fixed on the Lord. He's already got it all figured out. All of the stuff in between, it's just details and it's worth the wait! I'm excited for you. ((((Hugs)))) It will be here before you know it!

Chris said...

I hope your home study will be finished soon! I found your blog while wandering the Korean adoption blog world. :) It is a long and complicated process but know that your child WILL be worth it in the end. God bless you! :) (PS- my (Korean) son's name is Nathan too)