Friday, September 19, 2008

Oh Boy! The Details!

So, I wanted to post the details, but I liked the last post so much, I couldn't stand to put up another post! We are so thrilled and totally in love with this little guy. We like a lot of you have said, can't wait to kiss those cheeks and legs. Isn't he the cutest?

Last Saturday we had spent the day around the house and Nathan's parents called to ask us to come over and eat pizza. This meant no cooking at my house, so I was all on board. As you know, the phone has been perma-glued to my hand for months now. I had not the slightest thought that we might get a baby call on a Saturday night, it didn't even occur to me that I should take the cell phone. When we got home we had a message from our social worker. I told Nathan who call and he said "Yeah, so!" I said "She doesn't call just to chat!" Nathan's reply was "Then call her back." I am so thrilled that she called when we were home together. We were able to hear all the details about our baby at the same time. She started to tell us about this little guy and he sounded great. We rushed to the email to get all the details that she sent and we poured over the details for a couple of hours together and with our parents. He had a couple of MINOR things for us to consider, but not anything that was a "deal breaker." Just think about it like this...if you looked back on your child's first five months, what would you read? To be very honest, most people would be thankful for the kind of healthy start that Owen has had.

For the next few hours and into Sunday we talked, paced, prayed and thought about what to do. We had such a peace. We knew we need to be prudent and ask for objective medical reviews. Finally, the next day, we were brave and called and asked our social worker for the pictures. We saw the picture of our little guy together for the first time on Sunday right before we went back to church that night. OH MY WORD!!! It was baby love from the minute I saw that sweet face! I knew I was toast and if we had to say "No" now I would be crushed.

We had a close friend who is a nurse, Zoe, review the paperwork and we submitted his information to an International Adoption Physician. After that, we knew we could say "Yes, this is our baby." I called the adoption agency and told them we would be honored to accept this referral.

He was born on April 7 weighing 7.3 pounds at 19 inches long. Now at 5 months, he weighs 18 pounds and is 25 inches long. According to his paperwork, he is babbling, shouts when happy, puts weight on his legs and likes to jump on your lap. He is doing all the age appropriate things. He hasn't rolled over yet, but I think it is a matter of time, they say he is trying really hard to. He lives with his foster mother and her husband. She is a first time foster mother and the paperwork says she has a special love for our baby. From the pictures it appears she is taking very good care of him and that makes us very happy.

Thank you all for you love, prayer, support and kind words - they mean so much to us.

Here are some more pictures of our little guy. The one on the right is with his foster mother.


Mandy said...

Again, Em, I am so happy for both of you! I hope the rest goes quicky!!!

Dania Efird said...

So sweet! We're keeping our phones close by this weekend even though we usually don't worry too much with them on the weekends!! Prayers that he's home quickly!!

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet referral story! I never even thought about a referral on a exciting! I can't wait to see you holding him.

ElisabethB (Dillon forum)

Anonymous said...

Emily I am so thrilled for you all. We talked about that call a little less than a week before you got it! God is just so good. He's beautiful and I can't wait to see you bringing him with you to church!

Melissa said...

Congrats! He is adorable!

Yvonne and Eric said...

Thanks for sharing the details! What a sweet story! I can't wait to see you holding your cutie patootie Owen!
