Saturday, March 15, 2008

I600a Fingerprinting Appointment

Today we received notification that we have an appointment with Immigration to have our fingerprints taken. Whew Hew! Just another step in our journey.

We are thrilled that Amy and the kids have come for a visit! They came in tonight and we went for dinner and a short visit. Those kids are too stinkin' cute! We have lots of big plans for the week...cake making, birthday celebrating, playing dinosaurs, book reading...I can hardly wait.

If this is your Spring Break - Enjoy!


Dania Efird said...

How did you get your homestudy approved without fingerprints? I thought those had to be done so that when the homestudy was complete they could send the homestudy straight to the USCIS office?! Oh well! We were fingerprinted a few weeks ago in Ft. Smith. It was easy, but also very funny as well! Hope all goes well!

Mandy said...

Congrats, Em! I know each step is exciting for you guys! Hopefully Amy and I can coordinate our schedules and get together! I can't wait to see them!

Unknown said...

Looks like you guys are just a few weeks behind us! God bless!

Sisters said...

Who knew that being fingerprinted could be so much fun! :)