Sunday, August 10, 2008

Blog Award

Thank you Abby for bestowing this "Brillante Weblog " Award to me for sharing my adoption story.

I would like to pass this award on to a few of my "adoption blog" friends:

Meredith - I am giving you this award for being so open and honest with your blogging and for sharing such beautiful pictures as well.

Sunny - I am giving you this blog award because I love your enthusiasm for following the Lord at every turn and for being willing to give Him the glory and just like Meredith, I love to see your pictures.

Yvonne - I am giving you this award because I don't miss a day reading your blog because it makes me excited to think that one day, we will be in your close to picking up our baby. Thanks also for always encouraging me on my blog too.

Pass it on girls...


Micah and Sunny said...

Hey! That's awesome. Thanks so much for the encouragement. I've been thinking about you lots lately. Of course, I check your blog several times a day :). I would've given you the award too! I love your encouraging words and how you are a great storyteller. I admire your patience throughout your life...I am learning that fruit (it's a toughy). I also love that you always have an image for your posts...where in the world do you find them? I'll pass the award on too. Thanks, Emily.....wouldn't it be nice if we were traveling to Korea together in a few months holding our babies on the plane ride home.

You rock, thanks again!
Sunny K

Meredith said...

I'm honored! Thanks for the bloggy award and the kind words! :)

Yvonne and Eric said...

Thanks, Emily! That's so sweet of you. I have to say, months and months ago when we first started the adoption, it seemed so far away that we'd be getting ready to travel and actually have a baby! Now, it's all so surreal and feels like the entire process went so quickly. Once you get your referral, which I know will happen soon, all of the time before then will just melt away. Get ready, because it's coming!
