Thursday, August 7, 2008

This Picture Says A Thousand Words!

Make sure all loose articles are secure, buckle yourself in your seat and hold on! You are about to take a thrilling ride. At least that is the warning I feel like I should have heard for the last few weeks. I have no idea how it is that I seem to have pregnancy emotions with no pregnancy hormones! I can feel ecstatic one day and ready to cry at the drop of the hat the next. Any other waiting Mom's feel like this, or am I just nuts?

We have no adoption news. We have to be getting closer to receiving that "call." The call that will change our lives. We are ready - mentally that is. We have made no progress on the baby's room, in case you are wondering. We think we will leave that task until after we have a referral. As my Mom says, that is when the hard wait begins. I think for a few days we will live on the "high" of having a referral and then it will be hard to know our baby is out there and that it is not home with us. I sure am ready to give that wait a shot.

A couple of quick things I wanted to let you know about. Tonight on Larry King Live, Stephen Curtis Chapman is going to talk about the recent loss of his daughter, Maria and the miracle that came from that. I know you won't want to miss it.

Also, I put a few of my favorite adoption and parenting books in my sidebar. You might be interested in checking them out for your self. I will take some time in a future post to review for you the two I have not already reviewed on this blog.

Thank you so much to my blog friends and my friends in "real" life for all the support, love and encouragement you have shown us over the course or our journey. You keep us going.

Have a great week!


Christine @ 12,450miles said...

I'm on the roller coaster with you!! I'm a few cars back screaming and laughing all at the same time. :-)

Mandy said...

Love ya and praying for ya, Em!! You know how it is with roller coasters- once the ride is over, it was definitely worth the wait in the line!

Micah and Sunny said...

Totally have those same pregnancy emotions/hormones that you are talking about RIGHT now. Good grief, I guess we don't really need the hormones...all the emotions come anyway. I think about you and am praying for you and all the others of us waiting. I know you have to be right about the really hard wait coming after our child has been revealed, I just can't really imagine it getting harder.

Love to books on your sidebar, can't wait to read the two I haven't read. I would add "Shaoey and Dot" by Steven and Mary Beth Chapman. What amazing people!

Prayers out for you tonight, Emily and Nathan!
Sunny K
in waiting for baby number 3 with ya'

KristenMc said...

Those "pregnancy emotions" are completely real and completely valid! When we were in this the first time around, I felt I was going crazy on a daily basis waiting for that phone to ring. Please just know that you are so close and just as everyone tells's SO worth the wait! Wishing you peace and a blessed referral very soon!

Yvonne and Eric said...

I know it doesn't help much, but your wait will truly disappear once you get that call and then see a picture of your little one. I was just looking over the journal we've been keeping of the adoption and it feels like even the entries from 1 month ago are from another lifetime.

And I whole-heartedly agree with your decision to wait to decorate the baby's room until after the referral; in fact, try to keep as many tasks as possible for after the referral - you'll need the distraction.

We're all thinking of you and know EXACTLY how you're feeling.


Sisters said...

I went to a hospital PR convention today and met 2 people from your Dad's hospital. Karen & Shelly. I gave them my card and told them to tell Mr. Jim that they meet Abby Jo!!!!


Stonefox said...

I loved finding your blog and reading about your adoption journey. We have an adopted daughter from China- just got her- and we waited 3 years for her. But man, so worth the wait!

I'll be checking your blog for updates.